Sunday, January 30, 2011

OFF Architecture Proposes Belgrade Science Center Built as an Entire Mountain

Urban park, urban green icon,OFF Architecture, science center, Serbian green building, Belgrade green building, Green Learning center, artificial mountain, planetarium, science park,natural science center, sciencespace, eco science center,
This artificial mountain proposed for the center of Belgrade dubbed “Sciencescape” is the innovative vision of OFF Architecture. OFF entered their proposal for the Center for Promotion of Science Competition, but bad weather delayed their efforts and unfortunately it missed the deadline. While it leaves us to wonder if such a radical melding of mountain and building would be well received, if the recent winning proposal of BIG’s Urban Ski Slope tells us anything, it is that this concept would have bode well amongst the competition. Standing tall, the iconic design by OFF is an immersion of natural elements and the built environment, ready to envelop its visitors.

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